
The beginning of a new challenge. The start of a new experience. The chance to imagine, create, and inspire. I introduce to you my latest passion; © Ms. Dread-Head Photography 

“Someday the elasticity in my body will wear,

my ears stretch, my ink spread.

Yet I’d do it all over again,

because I might just die tomorrow,

and not make it to Someday.” 

© Ann Marie Hak 

Do you remember that late night Facebook post I made about wanting to start up a TV show about travelling the world and getting inked by my favourite tattoo artists? Well I think it is time to stop wishing upon falling stars, and instead release that celestial magic within that makes us capable of making our wishes come true. 

Instead of a TV show, I am going to start working on creating a website for a video/photography/writing blog. I’ll be posting about the symbolism behind my tattoos, the latest tattoo ideas I have, my favourite tattoo artists and models around the world, and interviews.   

So here I go. Inviting anyone wishing to embark on this uncertain journey of mine, with only the night sky’s shimmering stars reflecting back countless wishes as our guide.

Please support me by following me on twitter: @ann_hak or instagram: anicka6 


Freshly stretched labret and dreadlock love ❤


Freshly stretched labret and dreadlock love ❤